I am super obsessed with wind turbines - the sight of them makes the hairs on the back of my neck prickle, but in a good way, I think it's the sheer power and magnificance of them, and I love the way they look when sillhouetted against the horizon.
We drove through a part of Yanchep National Park, where two weeks earlier there had been a wild fire. The blackened, shrivelled tree corpses are all you could see either side of the road for a good 5 minutes drive, they stretched right out to the horizon, and the burning smell filled the van, it was super spooky.
Once we had left 'the dead zone' we started to pass masses of trees that had been scorched by the heat of the fire, and turned a beautiful amber colour, this photo doesn't really convey how brilliant the colour contrast was of the amber leaves against the blue sky.
*Sigh*, Mother Nature you are a clever thing!