Sunday, January 23, 2011

Things I'm Lovin' This Weekend...

A print arrived for me all the way from Edinburgh. Thanks Susie Wright and Oddities Streetwear!

Summery music by Eliza Doolittle...

Fluffy monsters hiding in... rubbish bins...

 Cute boys and their new buzz cuts that I just want to run my hands across all day!

Pikelet making lessons from my mama... mmmmm...

What about you, lovelies?

P.S. I've just joined in on PaisleyJade's 'Things I'm Loving...' post section, check it all out here!


  1. That print and song are gorgeous!!

  2. Oh yeah - loving this list alright!!! I seriously need some pikelet making lessons.

  3. Really cute! I liked up to PJ today too. Love your header and name of your blog!! What are pikelets? They look wonderful. Like pancakes?

  4. Piklets are much better than pancakes- well i tihnks so.
    Very cool print, lucky you!

  5. that li'l fluffy monster looks so adorable! i totally love her!♥
