Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nerd Alert

Today I was gifted a First Nations scraping tool, found by our Workaway host Martin a few years ago while he was doing some landscaping work in Squamish, BC. He had an expert check it out and was told it would most likely have been used for scraping salmon, and was shaped using stone, in other words, before 'The White Man' was in Canada. OLD!

'Oh my gawd, that's just a frickin' rock, Nikki' I hear some of you say, which it is, but it's a special rock and I get such a dorky kick out of knowing a bit about it's history and where it came from. And to think that a Native Indian from many moons ago made this, held this, and used this! That's the 12 year old wanna-be archeologist in me!


  1. Well you know that there's at least one person out here who is always glad to see a stone tool! It actually looks a lot like it's been retouched along the edges to sharpen it, which is when you take lots of little flakes off to make it sharp. Sharpening on a stone gives a really smooth surface - though that groove on the last photo could be done with a file or something like that. OR I could be totally talking out my arse and should leave the diagnosis to the experts :) I picked up a similar kind of tool when I was Syria that dates back 70,000+ and I treasure it like nothing else! Just think of the link it has to the person who made it...

  2. as i was reading your post I was like... mmmm has jacqui seen this? and lo and behold who has already commented! hahahaha

    cool man, this isn't nerdy! its cool. just don't lose it!

  3. Jacqui you work in such an exciting field!
    Yes I think it has got those little notches cut out to taper the edge a bit.

    Now to put it somewhere safe...
