Monday, January 4, 2010

Paradise on the Edge of the Indian Ocean

Hi everyone, I hope you've had a relaxing, peaceful, fun-filled Christmas and New Years.
I've just come back from a few blissful days away up north in WA. Going by the photos above you can easily see we did some fishing. We also did a bit of lounging around, reading, swimming, eating and drinking... but generally just a lot of fishing!
So now we are back in Perth, and back in reality. 2010 has already kicked into gear, and from what I can see there are lots of fellow bloggers with ideas and resolutions for the year ahead.
I'm not really a 'resolution' kind of girl, I think that if you're going to instigate changes in your life there's no reason to wait until January 1st to do so, there's no time like the present! Instead I think I'm going to keep on trucking with my plans for our travel later in the year, keep working towards new adventures, challenges and making new friends, and overall making sure I have a great time along the way.
Oh of course, there'll be more creating, making, dreaming and doing along the way.
Now I just wonder, where on earth I'll be for the next New Year, I really have no clue and JEEPS that's so exciting!
It's my birthday tomorrow - quarter of a century young. So I think I'll spend it like I've done the last few days. Doing a lot of not very much!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nikki,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog! So nice to hear from you.
    Hope you had a lovely birthday. A quarter century young, huh? It just get better from here on.
    Great to see you here and that your travels are going well.
    Take care,
