Monday, August 31, 2009

Saving Neshima

Today I just wanted to post some pictures of absolute cuteness and a happy story.
Yesterday one of my dearest friends became the proud owner and 'mother' to Neshima, a gorgeous wee rotweiler/kelpie pup from the Malaga RSPCA. I got to come along and meet her and help buy all the toys and things, so much fun!
Poor wee Neshima was abandoned at 2 days old, and since then has been hand raised by foster parents for the last 2 months. She has successfully batteled the parvovirus and now has two of the best owners she could possibly wish for. I'm so happy for them!
She became a bit of a miracle puppy in the Perth animal world for a while, see more of her story here!


  1. ooohhh that is so cute!!! i wish more people would save lil animals!

  2. that could be the cutest thing I've ever seen!

  3. ahh yes, cute, and now weein' and poopin' all over the place. Thankfully I'm aunty so I can hand her back when she starts those shinanegins!
