Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tid-Bit Tiki

A few years ago I spent six months researching my Great Great Grandfather's collection of Maori artefacts for my final year dissertation at design school, and through the process I discovered that the Wanganui museum not only holds many of the items he collected during the late 1800's and early 1900's, but also some of his own attempts at carving tiki. I fell in love with all the intricate pieces of stone work, and have dabbled in representing their detail in my own way, only 100 years later, through drawing.
These are some of the attempts I've been making lately, I'm quite pleased with them I think!


  1. Those are fabulous! You could definitely be an archaeological illustrator if you decide to switch jobs :)

  2. Thanks Jacqui! Wow I'd never even considered archaeological illustrating, how interesting!
    How would I get into something like that?

  3. Hey Nik - we keep posting comments but they don't appear - we do love you really - and LOVE these - where do you find the time? You are as always brilliantly talented exx

  4. A lot of departments/companies use illustrators to do drawings of artifacts for reports and publications like journal articles or books. I don't really know how they choose people but I'm guessing sending along some examples like the above to contractors and the University there wouldn't hurt. Or just asking their advice. It's funny, the Wanganui museum holds some stuff from Mat's family too, they were early settlers in the region. I've never been but I really should I suppose!
