Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Race for Leukemia

We spent the weekend in Auckland so that C could compete in the Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge - racing up the sky tower in full B.A. to raise money for the Leukemia & Blood Foundation. He did so well, I was so proud!

Colouring Outside the Lines: I See Red

There seems to be so little to blog about at the moment, but I thought I'd throw this in cos' I pushed the boundaries of my little zone of comfort today. Red tights and red lippy. Oh yeah. Reach for the sky Nikki. Hah!
Ever worn something outrageously bright and noticed how friggin' everybody looks at you while you're walking through the city? Hmmm, I just figured that one out... I have just discovered a good reason to stay tucked up in 'my zone'.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ellie Goulding: 'Your Song'

Yea yea, I know it was part of the Royal Wedding and all that jazz, but don't lie, you know you watched it. Either way, I love this version of Elton John's song, and I'm sharing it. So there!